7 December Lurgan Lecture: Digging Deeper into Kilmocholmóg
Early Medieval site uncovered at Lurgan!
On Wednesday 7 December at the splendid Grace Hall we were delighted host a special event ‘Digging Deeper into Kilmocholmóg’, at which archaeologists Katy McMonagle and Stuart Alexander of the Northern Archaeological Consultancy Ltd revealed the results of the community excavation of Kilmocholmóg field, Lurgan, which was held over 5 days in August.
At the talk we learned that the dig has revealed a medieval settlement, dating to between AD 400-1100, with evidence of a roundhouse and souterrain uncovered. In addition the eagle eyed volunteers recovered a total of 156 artefacts as well! As yet we don’t know the extent and nature of the settlement, with further investigation required; however all being well we plan to return next year to Kilmocholmóg to dig a bit deeper!
A big thank you to all our volunteers who carried out the dig, and it was great to see so many in attendance; thanks too to Stuart and Katy for directing the dig and to Dr Alistair Ruffell, Ben Rocke, Ryan Montgomery, Lauren Carberry-O’Neill, and Lisa White whose Ground Radar and drone work was crucial to the dig’s success. And a special mention too for Finola Mulholland, custodian of Kilmocholmóg, for not only providing access to the field which made the dig possible, but also for baking a themed Christmas cake to conclude yesterday’s event which truly captured the spirit and camaraderie of the dig.
We are very grateful to our funders Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council and the Lottery Players through the National Lottery Heritage Fund which made the dig possible.
The full report detailing the results of the dig can now be downloaded from the Lurgan Townscape Heritage Scheme website by clicking the following link: Kilmocholmóg Excavation Report