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  • Image courtesy of National Library of Ireland.
  • Image courtesy of National Library of Ireland.


The Townscape Heritage (TH) scheme is The National Lottery Heritage Fund’s grant giving programme for the regeneration of historic urban environments across the United Kingdom. Bringing together a number of funders, the scheme provides grants from a ‘common fund’ to property owners to carry out repair, restoration and refurbishment work to properties which contribute to the townscape character of an area.

The Lurgan TH commenced in October 2018 and is funded jointly by the Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council (£2 million), The National Lottery Heritage Fund (£1.93 million) and property owners. It is forecast that by the project’s end a total of £6.6 million will have been invested in the protection and enhancement of Lurgan’s historic environment.

Aims and Objectives

The Lurgan TH is a heritage led five-year programme which seeks to:

  • Repair, refurbish and restore up to 25 historic buildings that contribute to the townscape character of the Lurgan Conservation Area, with an emphasis placed on bringing derelict or underused buildings back into sustainable use. See Grants for eligible properties.
  • Deliver a community based activity and education programme which will raise awareness about and promote Lurgan’s rich history and heritage.
  • Develop a training and skills programme which will improve approaches to building maintenance and conservation management among property owners

By improving both the town’s physical appearance and increasing civic pride, the Lurgan TH will breathe new life into the town enhancing it as an attractive place to live, shop, work and visit.


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