9 North Street
Building Description
Attached two-storey former townhouse with commercial unit at ground floor left (accessed from adjoining property), located on the south-east side of North Street. Rectangular on plan (approx. 4.7m (w) x 7.5m (d), height to eaves 5.5m) with two-storey pitched extension to rear (shared with adjoining ’property). Pitched natural slate roof with clay ridge tiles over corbelled eaves; smooth rendered brick chimney to right-hand gable; rainwater goods are cast-iron. The walls are coursed basalt rubble with painted brick dressings; random rubble to rear elevation and return. Square headed window openings with brick dressings. Windows are replacement 1/1 timber sliding sashes.
Rear elevation is abutted by large smooth rendered two-storey extension.
Interior – Interior layout significantly altered from original. Historic photographic evidence shows building and adjoining building (11 North Street) were originally single dwelling (single entrance door). Current layout comprises entrance from street directly accessing first floor accommodation consisting of two no. residential units, one to street front across 9-11 North Street, and second largely contained within return.
Condition Report
Structure appears to be sound and building generally in reasonable condition having been renovated approximately 10-15 years ago.
- Chimneys – Smooth rendered corbelled chimney to right-hand gable. Vegetation growth to coping, replacement pots inappropriate and damaged, render to street face of chimney largely fallen away.
- Roof – Pitched natural slate roof with clay ridge tiles, isolated skipped and broken slates otherwise reasonable condition.
- Rainwater Goods – Replacement moulded aluminium gutters in reasonable condition.
- External Walls – Coursed basalt walling with painted brick dressings. Patch repairs to pointing. Some areas of pointing eroded especially to right-hand side otherwise reasonable condition.
- Windows – Replacement painted timber one-over-one sliding sashes in reasonable condition.
- Entrance Door – Replacement square-headed painted timber panelled entrance door with plain glazed fanlight above inappropriately scaled painted timber surround with flat entablature with lead canopy over and replacement tiled steps. Door inappropriate but in reasonable condition. Surround inappropriate and evidence of rot to plinth.
- Miscellaneous – Redundant signage fixings above ground floor window. Surface fixed cabling and conduits. Metal grille fixed to ground floor window.
- Structure – Structure appears to be sound however crack is visible above left-hand first floor window. May require further investigation.
- Rear Elevation – Rear elevation abutted by two-storey gabled extension built 2000.
- lnterior – Entrance door opens onto stairwell to provide access to first floor apartments, one housed in main building and one in return. No original or historic features remain. All partitions are stud partitions at first floor.
Planning History (post 1994)
Planning applications submitted as follows:
ID / Proposal
Extension to premises and change of use from restaurant and retail unit to licensed restaurant GRANTED
Change of use of shop to restaurant with carry out facility (Unit 2) GRANTED
Change of use from and extension to dwelling to form 2 n. shops with offices and stores GRANTED
Conversion of dwelling to dental surgery GRANTED
Recommendations/TH Eligible Work
External works to include:
- Chimneys – Strip and rerender existing chimneys using wood-float lime-based render. Install new clay pots.
- Roof – Repair slipped and broken slates (say 10 no.) to front slope. Strip and restate rear slope using new Welsh natural slates.
- Rainwater Goods – Replace existing gutters and downpipes in cast-iron, provide new fixings.
- External walls – Repoint existing stonework. Remove paint from window and door surrounds and carry out brick repairs (say 10 no).
- Entrance – Remove existing timber door and frame and provide new four-panelled timber door with glazed fanlight over. Remove existing timber pilasters and entablature and form new brick surround and flat pediment supported on masonry console brackets to historic profile.
- Miscellaneous – Remove redundant fixings. Remove existing metal grille and fixings to ground floor window. Remove and redirect surface fixed cables.
- Decoration – 4 coats egg-shell paint to general walling and chimneys, 4 coats oil-based gloss paint to rainwater goods and all external woodwork, 3 coats gloss-based paint to new internal woodwork, 3 coats emulsion paint to new internal plastered surfaces.
Siteworks to include:
- New stone entrance step.
- Improvements to general landscaping and surfacing to rear yard and within carriage-arch access.
Image Gallery
Currently no images for this priority building