22-26 August Community Archaeology Dig
Community Archaeology Dig of Kilmocholmóg field
Dates: 22-26 August 2022
Venue: Kilmocholmóg field, Kilmore Road, Lurgan, BT67 9LW
As follow up to our DfC:Historic Environment Division funded Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) Surveys, we carried out a community archaeological dig of Kilmocholmóg field to ascertain the nature of a stone feature which was identified in the GPR survey.
The community dig, facilitated by the archaeologists of the Northern Archaeological Consultancy revealed evidence of an early medieval settlement, dating to between AD 400-1100, with evidence of a roundhouse and a souterrain (our mysterious stone feature) uncovered. In addition the eagle eyed volunteers recovered a total of 156 artefacts as well! As yet we don’t know the extent and nature of the settlement, with further investigation required; however all being well we plan to return next year to Kilmocholmóg to dig a bit deeper!
The dig attracted great interest with even the BBC coming down to cover it: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-62622702
While local news company Your Lurgan also paid a visit: