49 William Street
Building Description
Mid-terrace two-bay two-storey, with attic, former dwelling on the north-east side of William Street. Rectangular on plan with lower two-storey pitched roof return to rear (north east). The roof is pitched natural slate with timber gable fronted dormer window. Two rendered chimney blocks, over corbelled eaves and cast-iron rainwater goods. The walls are painted block marked lime render with moulded dressings. The window openings are set within moulded surrounds with keystone detail; windows are timber sliding sashes. Painted moulded surround with keystone detail to square-headed entrance.
North east elevation not visible.
Condition Report
- Chimneys – Rendered chimney stacks to gable walls. Stumps only remain. Chimneys appear to be recently re-rendered. In reasonable condition.
- Roof – Extensive broken and slipped slates. Some isolated missing slates to rear slope expose interior to elements. Rooflight to rear slope appears heavily corroded and broken glass.
- Dormer – Timber dormers to front roofslope appear in poor condition. Evidence of damp causing distortion of timber cheeks. Poor decorative order. Extensive paint peeling.
- Rainwater goods – Extensive vegetation growth to moulded cast-iron gutters, heavily corroded. Evidence of failure. Gutters feed into round downpipe between 49 and 51 William Street.
- External walls – Poor condition. Extensive cracking and peeling of paint suggests damp penetration. Render appears to have been replaced at first floor. Patch repair above openings at ground floor suggests removal of shopfront or signage.
- Dressings – Painted moulded architraves to ground floor openings partially lost due to patch repair across openings. General weathering to ground floor windowsill. Window architraves cracked due to structural movement.
- Entrance – Opening closed in concrete blockwork.
- Windows – Original one-over-one timber sliding sashes remain. In poor condition with extensive decay. Partial loss of glass and misalignment. Steel lintel visible above ground floor window. Appears to have caused some structural movement due to corrosion. Metal grilles over windows heavily corroded. Ground floor window retains original wrought-iron guard to opening.
- Miscellaneous – Grilles to ventilate under timber floor remain visible on street however heavily corroded and partially damaged. In poor condition. Extensive surface-fixed cabling to first floor sill course. Vegetation growth to first floor window openings. Replacement metal gate to carriage-arch. Extensive vegetation growth to return at rear.
Planning History (post 1994)
Planning applications submitted as follows:
ID / Proposal
Retrospective applications for part demolition of front façade, chimneys, all roof coverings, internal floors and walls. REFUSED
Removal of chimney stacks over 47 49, 51 William Street Lurgan WITHDRAWN
Recommendations/TH Eligible Work
- Structural – Grub-up existing floor structure and install new insulated concrète ground floor. lnstall new timber first floor structure. Allow for underpinning of existing foundations. Allow for crack stitching to front elevation.
External works to include:
- Chimneys – Take down existing and rebuild chimneys to main roof and return, in red brick. Wood float lime based render finish with moulded detailing, install clay pots.
- Roof – Remove vegetation growth. Repair timber roof structure allowing for 25% replacement timbers across main roof and return. Provide thermal insulation. Remove existing slates and set aside for possible reuse (allow say 30% reuse). Provide new Welsh natural states and angled clay ridge tiles. Rebuild timber Dormer structures with pitched Welsh slate roof and timber barge-boards. Install new lead flashings, valleys and cheeks to Dormers.
- Rainwater Goods – Replace existing gutters and downpipes in cast-iron, provide new fixings.
- External walls – Remove existing lime and cement render and areas of concrète block. Replace with blockmarked wood-float lime based render, reinstate moulded architraves to ground and first floor windows, taking reference from remaining historic fabric. Repair first floor sill course.
- Entrance – Reinstate entrance opening including moulded architrave and pediment detailing to surround at entrance door. Remove timber boarding and existing door and replace with painted timber panelled entrance door to traditional detail. Provide new painted timber sheeted rear entrance door.
- Windows – Remove, repair and reinstate all windows including draught-proofing, allow for new painted timber one-over-one sliding sash windows to front and rear. Provide new internal linings, architraves and sills to traditional profile. Provide new stone sills to ground floor. Provide new conservation roof light to rear slope.
- Decoration – 4 coats egg-shell paint to general walling and chimneys, 4 coats oil-based gloss paint to rainwater goods and all external woodwork, 3 coats gloss-based paint to new internal woodwork, 3 coats emulsion paint to new internal plastered surfaces.
Internal works to include:
- lnterior inaccessible however appears to require complete refurbishment. Allow for all fabric to be replaced but some elements such as the staircase, internal doors and plaster detailing may be repaired and reinstated, replacement fabric should match existing fabric where evidence remains.
Siteworks to include
- New sandstone entrance steps.
- lmprovements to general landscaping and surfacing to rear yard and within carriage-arch access.