The Lurgan Lectures
During the months of October and November 2019 the Lurgan THI organised a series of public lectures which explored different aspects of Lurgan’s early history and origins in the 17th century. Delivered by range of expert speakers, the lectures proved popular with each venue packed with the people eager to hear about Lurgan’s distant past. The lecture programme was as follows:
- ‘Researching Lurgan’s History through the PRONI Archives’ by Des McCabe of the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI). Tuesday 8th October 2019 at Lurgan Library.
- ‘Lurgan Place Names’ by Prof. Micheál O’Mannion and Dr. Frances Kane. Monday 14th October 2019 at Brownlow House.
- ‘Lurgan’s First Century: The development of a town in the Lagan Valley’ by Prof. Raymond Gillespie of Maynooth University. Monday 28th October at St. Peter’s Parish Hall, North Street.
- ‘Lurgan and 1641 Rebellion’ by Dr. Naomi McAreavey of University College Dublin. Tuesday 5th November 2019 at Lurgan Town Hall.
- ‘Lurgan in Action 1670–1713 ’ by Dr. Francis X. McCorry. Monday 11th November at the Friends (Quaker) Meeting House.